Industries using UltrasonicsAerospaceUltrasonics provides safe and consistent cleaning of precision aerospace components. EngineeringUltrasonic cleaning robust enough to handle the biggest technical jobs. Medical & VeterinaryOnly ultrasonics can provide a consistently thorough clean. Commercial CleaningUltrasonic cleaning is both thorough and gentle enough for delicate applications. Industrial &MiningRobust and powerful ultrasonic cleaners for industrial and mining operations. AutomotiveUltrasonics provides safe and consistent cleaning of precision aerospace components. Defence & Law EnforcementGentle, effective and reliably consistent cleaning for components that must work. MarineCleaning solutions for marine mechanics, boat builders and tourism operators. Sport, Music & RecreationUltrasonics provides efficient, safe and gentle cleaning to the gear you love. HospitalityUltrasonic cleaners reduce wasted time in manual removal of tough grime. PrintingUltrasonic cleaning helps to extend the life of precision offset printer parts. RailwaysPrecision cleaning that is powerful enough to remove heavy soils. SpecialisedKleentek ultrasonics can cater for even the most specialised applications.OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS